April Awesomeness in the 3's!
I hope you're able to enjoy this beautiful weather, like we have been in the 3's class! We've spent a little extra time outside both days this week. Yesterday we even got to enjoy a book outside on the playground with PreK 2 and Mr. G!
This is just a reminder that Jack and Jill is closed next week for April vacation! Here's hoping the weather is just as nice next week as it was this week!
Our book today was The Big Guy Took My Ball! by Mo Willems. It's part of the Elephant and Piggie collection, and it tells about how best friends, Piggie and Gerald, solve the problem of a big guy who took the ball Piggie found. It turns out it was the whale's ball to begin with, and they all got to play together in the end.
What was NEW in centers?
Art- The children colored spring pictures with markers, and practiced taking the covers off and putting them back on. It's tricky to wait for that click!
Math- This was a big hit! We experimented with things that float and sink. We were surprised by some (like the paperclip sinking) and not so much with others (the blown up balloon floating).
We also had a lot of fun with the playdough, pretend, blocks, sensory table, and writing table!
We hope you have a happy and healthy break!
Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor
