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December Excitement in Pre-K 1!

Hi All,

We had a great week in our classroom! Lots of fun, learning and even a couple visitors. Mr. G came in on Thursday. He read the poem A Visit From St. Nicolas by Clement C. Moore. Mrs. T came in today. We sang songs about different celebrations that take place this time of year, counted, listened to a story and even played jingle bells!

Our Reading Street Book this week was Quack, Daisy, Quack! by Jane Simmons. "When Aunt Lily takes Daisy and her little brother Pip, to the feeding pond where all the ducks are quacking, they think they've found the perfect playground, until they lose sight of Mama Duck".

Our song was Let's All Play. Our vocabulary words were visiting, pulled, noisy, piece, pushing and shouting.

Our Letter of the Week was G. Our song was Get Going.

We also read Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett and The Three Little Superpigs and the Gingerbread Man by Claire Evans.

Other activities in our classroom this week were:

Our Pretend Center has changed to a Post Office. There is stationary, cards, envelopes, stickers and writing utensils. The children were very busy making mail to bring home and making deliveries to their friend's mailboxes. We have such a kind classroom of children!

Listening Center: Merry Christmas Curious George

Discovery: Guess That Smell Game...we talked about our sense of smell. The children were able to match each container to the picture of what they thought it smelled like.

Math: Light table with sorting tray and bugs....we sorted by color and also by type of bug.

Project Table: Shape Gingerbread...there were shapes to be colored, cut and matched to the Gingerbread Man. The children worked really hard at their scissor skills and many cut all of the shapes out by themselves.

On Thursday and Friday, the children made their own gingerbread people. I LOVED seeing how they decorated their gingerbread. They are on our Bulletin Board outside of our classroom. This was very popular and will be available again on Monday to make more to bring home now.

Art Easel: Gumball machines and dot markers. We ended the week with dot markers and white paper.

Looking ahead to next week, we have two Holiday Sweater Days (on Wednesday and Friday) if your child is interested.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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