Hello December in the 3's!
Hi all!
December is a short month at school, so I wanted to remind you of some important dates we have coming up.
12/8- Night conferences- no child watch
12/9- NO SCHOOL for students- Day conferences- child watch available
12/16- Last day of school for the calendar year
Mrs. Lay sent out a Sign-up Genius to sign up for conference times on the 8th or 9th. Please look back in your emails from her to find that link. Also, if you sign up for a day conference and will need the use of child watch, PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL TO LET US KNOW.
Our book this week was Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes by Skye SIlver. This is a Barefoot Book, which is a publishing company dedicated solely to children's books. Many barefoot books have a song, or video that go with them, which can typically be found on Youtube. They are educational and engaging books! I highly recommend them!
What was NEW in CENTERS?
Art- We decorated mugs of hot cocoa, which can be found on our bulletin board outside our classroom. We also painted candy canes with red paint and forks!
Easel- The children used snowflake stamps and crayons
Math- Shape matching- Using picture cards that are broken up into individual shapes, the children matched the shapes to make complete the picture
Playdough- We've added snowflake cookie cutters, penguin, polar bear, and snowflake erasers to build and create with.
Discovery- Squigs are toy suction cups that can stick to the table and each other to build lots of fun things!
In addition to these things the block area, pretend center, sensory table, and our time outside make for fun and busy days!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.
We hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor
