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Hello March in Mixed Age!

Good Afternoon Mixed Age Families,

This week went by fast and it was a good one coming back from February break. The kids have been having their assessments done and having fun being together and exploring the centers. They really enjoyed playing in the snow on Wednesday and using the shovels to clear off the playground.

Here is what we did at the centers this week:

Math Table~ Plastic fruit counters and a scale, They sorted the fruits and filled up the baskets on the scale to see which ones weighed more.

Puzzles and Games Table~ Wooden domino blocks, & stacking pyramid blocks

Discovery Table~ Clothespins and colored popsicle sticks for building with.

Art/Writing Table~ Finger painting with confetti finger paint, some of them loved this activity and enjoyed choosing the different colors on the table. Today some of them made paper plate rainbows that will be hanging on the bulletin board in the hallway soon.

Easel~ Dr Suess hats using watercolor paints to decorate them

Sensory Table~ Split peas, pompoms, gold coins, black pots and colorful scoopers.

Pretend Center~ We have put a Mexican restaurant in the pretend center. We have menus, note pads, lots of food, and a cash register. They are cooking, delivering food to their teachers and classmates.

Today we had shaving cream at the lay dough table.


There's a Wocket on my Pocket

Cookies Week


Freeze Dance

Let it Go

Show and Tell next week will be bring in a small textured item that we can glue onto a poster board. We are going to read the book Lucy's Picture and make a collage like she did in the book. We ask that your child bring in either a smooth, rough, soft, hard, fluffy or bumpy textured item into school on Monday so we can make the collage all together. Thank you, we look forward to creating the collage all together.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Warm Regards,

Julie Haynes & Kat Fyrberg


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