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November Memories in the 3's!

Hello 3's families,

This week was full of music and fun! On Tuesday we had special guest Mrs. T and on Thursday we had another special musical guest, Mrs. G! The children loved singing along and learning about guitars and ukuleles.

What’s new this week?

Book - Happy Pig Day by Mo Willems. In Happy Pig Day, Piggie celebrates her favorite day of the year. But her best friend Gerald the Elephant wonders if he will be included in the festivities? Ask your child how the story ends!

Discovery - Polar habitat exploration. We discovered how animals who live in polar habitats stay warm, even in the ice!

Art - This week at the art table, the children told us what they were thankful for and then drew a picture of it on their placemat!

Math - Leaf hunt. We hid different colored leaves around the classroom, then using colored frames the children had to find the leaves and match the colors.

Easel - Turkey feather color sticker match.

Play dough table - This month we have brown play dough with googly eyes, feathers and other accessories to make little turkeys.

Sensory - We have a variety of paper, shaped hole punches, stickers, scissors, tape and crayons in our sensory bin. Using all of these materials (and their imaginations!) the children can make their own unique creations.

Writing table - Envelopes and name writing practice. With the art they made at the sensory table, the children could then come over to the writing table to seal up their creations. We practiced writing their own names, and helped them address a lot of the envelopes to their family, friends and even a few pets!

We hope you have a great weekend! See you all next week!

Ashlee Taylor & Christina Renoni


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