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So Long September in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hi Everyone,

Starting on Monday, October 2nd per the family handbook, all students who arrive after morning meeting has started will need to wait on the benches with their family until morning meeting is over. It is very important that students are at school on time. Morning circle is how we start the day and connect as a class, when students arrive late it is disruptive to the other students and the morning meeting routine. We would like to clarify what this means, anyone who is not ready to enter the classroom when the door opens will need to wait this includes families that are still completing the arrival routine. If you are just arriving to school when the door opens you will need to wait. Please arrive to school with enough time to follow the arrival routine including having your child use the bathroom and be ready to enter the classroom when the door opens.

We had a great week in our classroom. Everyone is very busy during Center Time each day. They children truly seem to enjoy all of the activities in our classroom. I added added construction vehicles to the sand in the Sensory Table.

Our Letter of the Week was F. Our song this week was Five Fat Cats.

This week's Reading Street book was We Need Construction Workers by Lisa Trumbauer. "Simple text and photographs present construction workers (both male and female) and their role in the community". Our song to go along with our book was We Are Builders. Our Amazing Words were buildings, hammers, lumber, pound, wear (hard hats, tool belts, work boots) and community.

We listened to Froggy Builds a Treehouse by Jonathan London (make sure to ask what Froggy likes to have on his pizza).

Our Centers this week:

Writing Table: Chalkboards, F Booklets & F Worksheets

Discovery Table: Sink or Float Experiment....the children made guesses as to which items would sink and which would float. A toy boat, coin, acorn, leaf, rock, car, plastic letter F and wooden spool were a some of the things we tested.

Math Table: Duplo blocks....we were working on making patterns

Art Easel: Sponge Painting a tree and adding apples to it

Dump Truck picture to paint with watercolors

Project Table: Materials to decorate a fish

F is for feathers. The children were able to use feathers and other materials to decorate a letter F.

Looking ahead our Letter of the Week next week will be E. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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