Week 3 in Pre-K 1!
Hi Everyone,
On Monday, we started our Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum. We will not be going in alphabetical order because the curriculum is designed to teach the letters by stroke. First are the vertical and horizontal letters. L was our letter this week. The children were all very excited for Show & Tell and to learn to sign letter L. Our song this week was Lazy Lefty Lion.
The Reading Street curriculum is a hit too! We read Dig! by Andrea Zimmerman & David Clemesha. In this story, "Mr. Rally and his faithful dog, Lightning, have a busy day ahead of them, but they don't mind. What could be more fun than using a big yellow backhoe to build a pool at the school and a drain for the rain? Follow Mr. Rally through his day as he travels around town, counting from one to five in an irresistible refrain."
Our song to go along with our book was We're Working Together. Our vocabulary words were backhoe, dig, playground, jobs, bridge and pool. A lot of building/construction was going on both inside and outside of our classroom this week. I have attached some pictures for you to see!
The other books we read this week were Leaf Trouble by Jonathan Emmett and Llama Llama Loves To Read by Anna Dewdney.
Our Centers this week:
Writing Table: Chalkboards, L Booklets & L Worksheets
Discovery Table: Building a bridge....the children were given materials to build a bridge over the "water" to help the animals go from one side to the other. This was a very popular spot all week!
Math Table: Measuring with cubes & measuring tapes...what is longer, what is shorter?
Art Easel: Painting fall pictures with q-tips and then painting a Lion with forks
Art Table: Letter stamping...the children are doing a great job of identifying the letters that are in their names!
Ladybug craft (punching holes, threading pipe cleaners, painting plate, adding eyes and spots)
Lamb Craft (the children used the "nail polish glue" to paint glue on their paper and use cotton balls &
pieces to make a lamb).
Listening Center: Pete The Cat I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin.
Looking ahead, our Letter of the Week will be F. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Mrs. Kelley
