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Welcoming 2023 in the 3's!

Hi everyone!

It was wonderful to welcome our littlest friends back to school for the new year! Their smiles and big hugs told us they were just as happy to be back as we are!

Our book this week was William's Winter Nap by Linda Ashman and Chuck Groenink. A little boy, William, is settling in for a cozy sleep when he's interrupted by several sleepy visitors. As each one comes along he scooches over to make room for "just one more". In the end, each friend finds a comfy place to sleep under a cozy quilt.

What was NEW in centers?

Art- The students decorated their own quilt squares to make a classroom quilt that reminded us of the quilt on William's bed.

Easel- Dot marker hats

Playdough- Peppermint scented pink playdough with winter dough cutters, and pipe cleaner pieces

Pretend Area- The children had a great time in our classroom hot cocoa stand! We had lots of yummy concoctions!

Discovery- Fill a snowman- Using tweezers the children picked up pom poms to fill bottles decorated like snowmen.

Blocks- We've added bristle blocks, alpha-bots, and a snowball toss to this area.

Writing table- Snowflake tracing- Make lines and curves (the beginning of letter writing and recognition) as the snowflakes fall to the ground.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and we look forward to seeing you again next Thursday!


Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor


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