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A Week in Mixed Age!

Hello Mixed Age Families,

We hope this email finds you all healthy and well. We made the best of a strange week at school and were happy to welcome most of the class back to school on Thursday! It was nice to have an almost full class to end the week. The kids are doing a good job with our new morning routine and working hard getting all of their jobs done by themselves each day.

MISSING: It has come to my attention that one of the kids has lost their green water bottle, if someone anciently took it home could you please bring it back to school on Tuesday! Thank you!

Here is what we did in the classroom this week:

Math Table~ Numbered socks and clothes pins along with a piece of twine to attach them to.

Discovery Table~ Brainflakes building connectors.

Easel~ Dot Sticker snowflakes on black paper

Art Table~ This week they made snowmen using assorted objects ( buttons, gems, washi tape, yarn & dot stickers) to decorate them. They chose how many "snowballs" they wanted to use and glued on the objets to make their snowman complete. They all came out great and each one so unique. They are hanging up in the hallway. They also finished up their name snowman that some did not complete last week.


Five Little Penguins Slipping on the Ice By Steve Metzger

Hello, Cat You Need A Hat By Rita Golden Gelman

Swimmy By Leo Lion

Snowballs By Lois Elhert

Little Owl Snow By Divya Srinivasan


Bear Hunt Freeze Dance

Silly Bear Hunt Old Macdonald

Jingle Bells We are the Dinosaurs

Number Rock Tutti Ta

Listen and Move Wiggle your Fingers

Animal Action Wiggling Dance

Letter K show and tell on Tuesday January 18.

Have a great long weekend and be safe!!


Julei Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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