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A Week in Pre- K 1!

Hi All,

We made it through the week! I was glad to see some of the children on our morning Zoom calls each day. I also enjoyed checking out the pictures on SeeSaw. Thank you to you all.

This week we read Snowmen All Year by Caralyn Buehner. The children in our classroom painted snowman and then decorated it....some went to the beach, Antarctica and others were scenes from winter. I loved watching them paint the snowballs and then cut the pieces they wanted to use to decorate their snowman themselves. It was a great opportunity to work on their scissor skills. I also loved hearing that a friend at home made a snowman out of marshmallows.

Other books we read were: If You Give a Pig A Pancake by Laura Numeroff, How Do Dinosaurs Show Good Manners by Jane Yolen, Seaside Stroll by Charles Trevino and Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere by Bob Burner.

Other activities in our classroom:

Project Table: Superhero masks & sparkly snowflakes were available to anyone who was absent last week. We also made coffee filter snowflakes. The children colored the coffee filters with markers and then sprayed it with water. The following day, they folded the coffee filter and made cuts turning it into a snowflake.

Art Easel: Watercolors, markers and assorted worksheets

Writing Table: ABC Match and we worked on writing last names

Block Area: Calico Critters, houses and vehicles to use

Math Table: Color matching and counting

Discovery: Magnets...microphones, buildings, and food items were built.

Looking ahead to next week, Jack and Jill will be closed on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday. Our letter of the week will be J and Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.

Stay well,

Mrs. Kelley


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