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Adios April in Pre-K 2!

Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families,

We had a great first week back from our spring break. The children went right back to the routines of the classroom and seemed to have a lot of fun playing at school again. We've been having lots of fun playing outside at recess. The children have recently been playing group games such as Red Light, Green Light and What time is it Mr. Fox?


Stories: "Slowly, Slowly, Slowly, Said the Sloth," "The Tiny Seed," and "Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too?" by Eric Carle

Skills: handwriting the letter K, Reading Street Song for letter K, finding the letter K, print awareness and syllable counting, print awareness, letter sounds, counting syllables

Here's what's happening at CENTERS:

Art- painting and practicing cleaning the paintbrush, cutting and gluing and spring dot art at the easel

Blocks-wood blocks, cars, garage, dollhouse and dolls

Dramatic Play- Ice Cream Shop with ice cream cart, ice cream, cones, popsicles, dishes, menus, cash register

Writing/Library- Eric Carle books and books about Spring, Handwriting without Tears materials for practicing the letter K, tracing papers, blank books for writing and drawing

Playdough: putty with little people and animals to hide inside

Math- visual discrimination practice: using pictures as a guide to build with magnetic shapes

Science- fidget toys

Sensory Table- water beads, cups, shovels

It's hard to believe that the next time I see you it will be May! With a new month comes lots of new materials and activities. I can't believe this will be my last month with these kiddos. There is a lot of fun and learning to pack into this last month, and I can't wait to get started!


Brenda Daday


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