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Another Awesome Week in Pre-K 1!

Hi Everyone,

We had a great four days of school this week. We were busy in our classroom and had fun outside enjoying the warmer temperatures. The wagon was out at recess and the children had fun giving each other rides in it.

Our Reading Street Book this week was Over in the Meadow by Olive Wadsworth. "Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun lived an old mother turtle and her little turtle one. So begins this classic nursery poem, a favorite counting rhyme for generations of children." The children had fun counting along.

Our vocabulary words were sand, hole, beehive, meadow, barn and nest. Our Reading Street song was Living in the Meadow.

We also read Pete the Cat and The Perfect Pizza Party by James Dean and Fox in A Box by Dr. Seuss.

Our Letter of the Week was X and our song was Xavier Fox Lives In A Box.

Other activities included:

Project Table: X is for X Ray Project....the children traced their hand and arm then glued the bones (q-tips) to their x-ray. Everyone did a wonderful job holding their hand still and tracing it! Egg Painting...The children dipped plastic eggs into different colors and then rolled the eggs in a box to make a beautiful creation. X is for Xylophone...the children glued pieces to make an X and turned it into a Xylophone. They worked hard to use the hole puncher on the pieces of the xylophone. They were having fun (and building hand strength and finger control).

Art Easel: Watercolor painting and to end the week Spring shapes to color and decorate at the easel.

Math Table: Colanders and pipe cleaners. The children worked hard to thread the pipe cleaners through the colander. Then they modeled "their hat" for me...some even had a mouse tail coming off the back.

Discovery Table: Jelly Bean Science Experiment...watching how jelly beans reacted when the children added warm water. Guess That Scent Game was available too.

Writing Table: More envelopes, paper and even some of the pipe cleaners from the Math Table were used this week at this Center.

I hope you all have a wonderful April Vacation!


Mrs. Kelley


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