Another Great Week in Pre-K 1
Hi Everyone,
What a wonderful week in our classroom! The children were very excited to make their flower pot & gift bag for their Mom. Each day at our Project Table they worked on a different part of this project. I hope that you all liked your gift. The children planted marigold seeds for the Moms.
A highlight of the week was Snack with Someone Special. Thank you to everyone that was able to come. The children were very excited to sing their songs for you! It was a great opportunity for them to practice singing for an audience before Graduation.
We took a break from Reading Street this week and read books about the alphabet to reinforce all of the letters and letter sounds we have learned this year. The books we read were Alpha Oops! The Day Z Went First by Althea Kontis, The Letters are Lost by Lisa Campbell Ernst and Alphabet Under Construction by Denise Fleming.
We listened The Crunching Munching Caterpillar by Sheridan Cain. The children were able to observe our classroom caterpillars....they went from climbing around and eating to moving to the top of the container and forming their chrysalis. They will be moved to their habitat and we will wait for them to become butterflies.
Other activities:
Play Doh is now purple with new cookie cutters.
Pretend Center: Barbeque and ice cream cart....this has been very popular! There is a grill with kabobs, hamburger, hot dogs and other things to grill. The ice cream cart is full of ice cream cones and popsicles.
Discovery Bins now have clear water beads. There are spoons, cups, sifters, funnels and ice cube trays to use.
Math Table: Plastic cups labeled with numbers 1-10 and counters to use.
Blocks: We now have big tinker toys to build with...houses, "escape rooms", weights, a barn and a car were just some of the things being built.
You may have heard....for next week's Show & Tell each person will be able to show us a talent they have. We talked about this during the week. I explained what a talent was and we talked about some examples such as singing, karate, gymnastics, dance, boxing, cheerleading, skill from a sport, magic trick, joke....anything they want!
I also want to thank you all for your very generous and thoughtful gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week! The book with the children's photographs and what they had to say will be something I always treasure! It truly meant the world to me.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Kelley
