April Adventures in Mixed Age!
Hello Mixed Age Families,
We hope this email finds you all well and ready for a nice 3 day weekend, It was a busy week and picture day was a success. Mrs. Lay sent an email out today about the ordering process so if you have any questions that should answer them for you. The kids did a good job on Tuesday when we had a
'surprise" fire drill, they stopped what they were doing and joined the line right away so we could get outside.
Here is what we did in the classroom this week:
Math Table~ Scale with assorted spring time items to weigh.
Discovery Table~ On Monday we had a bucket of water along with assorted items and plastic eggs for a sink and float activity. The rest of the week we had little wood pieces and some wind-up toys for playing with. They loved watching the toys zoom across the table, this is a great activity for strengthening those finger muscles.
Easel~ Free art with markers
Art/Writing Table~ Paper tube flowers using pink or yellow paint and when their paintings were dry they added a stem and some leaves to it. They also had collage materials to glue onto paper. There is always an assortment of coloring pages and plain paper out at the table for them to use.
Sensory Table~ Is now a fairy garden with little fairy houses, shredded paper, rocks and gems.
Pretend Center~ Is now a flower shop, they had fun taking orders, making bouquets and decorating the classroom with all the beautiful flowers.
Play Dough~ Is purple with new rollers and cutters for them to use.
Spring is Here
Peter Cottontail Spring Surprise
Silly Bear Hunt
Animal Action
Wiggle your Fingers
Stand up, Sit Down
Mrs. Lehane came in on Monday and read Skippyjon Jones Lost in Space. They always enjoy her reading to the class.
We have noticed some of the kids who have pouches at snack that some of the caps are being put in their mouths, we have been reminding them when we see this that it is not safe and that they could choke on it and that we only put food in our mouths.
Show and Tell next week is going to be something you made yourself. They can color a picture, draw something or even do some gluing whatever they want to make to share with the class. We can't wait to see whet everyone brings in on Monday morning and make sure they write their name on it as well.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg
