April Adventures in Pre-K 1!
Hi Everyone,
We had a great four days of school this week. We were busy in our classroom and had fun outside enjoying the warmer temperatures.
Mrs. Lehane visited on Monday with another Skippyjon Jones book. This time it was Lost in Spice by Judy Schachner. The children LOVE the voices Mrs. Lehane uses and helped clap along to the songs in the story.
We read Picture Perfect? which is a book written and illustrated by Second Grade Students and listened to Picture Day Perfection by Deborah Diesen. And our Picture Day was a success! We also read Ruby Has A Worry by Tom Percival.
Our Letter of the Week was X and our song was Xavier Fox Lives In A Box.
Other activities included:
Project Table: X is for X Ray Project....the children traced their hand and arm then glued the bones (Q-tips) to their x-ray. Everyone did a wonderful job holding their hand still and tracing it!
Yellow and white paint and forks were used to create pictures today.
Art Easel: White paper, colored pencils and markers
Math Table: Numbered pegboards
Discovery Table: Microscopes and slides
Play Doh Table: We started the week with shaving cream to use. We then switched to yellow play doh with eggs, cookie cutters, bunnies and chicks.
Writing Table: Many cards, notes and bracelets were made for families. Also, treasure maps! Many children were drawing treasure maps and practicing their "X" to mark the spot. Some children were hiding the eggs from the play doh table and hunting for them using the treasure maps. A couple friends built a boat out of the large tinker toys and were rowing to find the treasure. I so enjoy seeing what the children come up with.
Pretend Center: Our Pretend Center is now a Pizza Shop. This was the place to be! The children are doing a great job of taking turns of being the customer/wait staff/cook/cashier. There are menus, order pads to write on, pizzas, pizza cutters and bread to slice.
There is no school tomorrow in observance of Good Friday.
Looking ahead to next week, our Letter of the Week will by Y and Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.
Mrs. Kelley