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December Fun In Mixed Age!

Good evening, Jack and Jill families and happy Friday! It is certainly beginning to feel like winter! This week in the mixed age classroom we had a wonderful time participating in winter and holiday themed activities. The letter of the week this week was "H" and next week the letter of the week will be "I". This week our centers consisted of the following activities:

The discovery center held a Christmas tree decorating activity where the children were able to work on those "pinchy fingers" by pushing multicolored, painted Q-Tip's into small holes in a cardboard tree. Later in the week we then began practicing our scissor skills by ribbon cutting! All of the children were really excited for this activity and were sure to bring home their own pieces of cut ribbon.

Our sensory table is now Christmas themed and includes magnetiles with jingle bells and magnetic wands.

Even the block area has had a recent addition, potato heads! It has been such a pleasure listening to and watching how creative all of the kids have been while playing with these.

The art easel included watercolor Christmas tree painting!

The math table included a match and count activity where the children were able to count out yellow pom poms and match them to corresponding numbered Christmas trees.

This month the play-dough table includes red, cinnamon scented play-dough and Christmas cookie cutters.

We have also redesigned dramatic play, and this area is now bakery themed. The kids absolutely loved this change and are all so adorable in the little aprons. I have enjoyed many custom-made "cookie coffees" and pastries from the kiddos in this area ! We have also added our very own classroom Christmas tree that the class is able to decorate with ornaments and presents beside it. I am so glad to see how much joy this addition has brought to the classroom.

The writing table included free drawing and writing, Etch A Sketches, and Christmas coloring pages.

Our art activities this week included Christmas tree making with paint and star stickers, and wreath making with tissue paper, string, and paper plates! We also began working on something special for all of you! The children are so excited to share their masterpieces with their families.

The books we read this week included:

                  The Hiccupotomus

                  If You Give a Mouse Some Popcorn

                  How to Catch a Snowman

This week was short but very sweet. We hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend, and we will see you all again soon!


Mrs. Mackenzie and Mrs. Haynes


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