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February Fun in Pre-K 1

Hi Everyone,

We had a short week due to the weather but it didn't stop us from having a great time while we were at school. On Wednesday, when we were lining up at the end of the day, one of the children said our day goes too quick and then another friend said I wish we could stay here longer. As a teacher, it warms my heart to hear this.

Our Reading Street Book this week was A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle. "A hermit crab who has outgrown his old shell moves into a new one, which he decorates and enhances with the various sea creatures he meets in his travels." Our Reading Song was I'm a Little Hermit Crab. Our vocabulary words were crab, decorate, empty, shell, inside and outgrown.

Our Letter of the Week was P. Our song was Pip the Parrot.

We also read Groundhog Day by Betsy Lewin.

Other activities in our classroom this week were:

Discovery: Microscopes and slides

Project Table: Pig Craft...the children glued together pieces to make a pig Snowman Face Craft...the children created a snowman face on a plate

Hermit Crab Craft....the children painted their shell with sponges & stamped their hand to make a hermit crab. These were drying on Thursday and will be put together on Monday.

Art Easel: P is for markers were used to make the letter P and decorate a penguin

Math: Geoboards

Listening Center: The Littlest Valentine by Brandi Dougherty

We have pink play-doh and the children have been having fun with heart cookie cutters, foam hearts and googly eyes.

Our Pretend Center continues to be a doctor's office by request. Everyone is still having so much fun at this center that I extended our time with it in our classroom. There is a picture attached that shows a "waiting room" they set up this week.

Looking ahead our Letter of the Week will be B. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.

Valentine's Day Info ❤

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day at school on Monday, February 14th. We will be exchanging valentines in our classroom. We have 10 children in our class. As far as delivering cards it is easiest if you send in the valentines just signed by who it is from and leave the "to" blank. We are a nut-free school and are asking that food and candy not be sent with the valentines. Stickers, tattoos, pencils, etc are a good alternative if you would like.

Also, please send in a Valentine mailbox for your child. The children can make this out of a box (tissue box/shoebox) or bag. Please make sure to put your child's name on their mailbox. Feel free to even put their picture on it. Have fun making it!

If you have any questions, just let me know.

I hope you have a great weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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