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Finishing Out January in Enrichment!

Good afternoon everyone!

As we start a new month I have a few housekeeping things to address first.

1. Please put hats and mittens in the sleeve of your child's coat... or better yet, have THEM put their hats and mittens in the sleeve of their coat. Please try to envision 15 kids taking everything out of their backpack to reach the hat and mittens at the bottom, or in a pocket they didn't know about, then trying to decipher which papers belong to whom as everyone tries to shove everything back into their backpacks. In their sleeves makes them the most accessible at the appropriate time.

2. We'll be having a Valentine's Dance upstairs in Fellowship Hall on Monday Feb. 13th with the other classes in school that day. Children are welcome to wear festive colors, if they choose.

3. Our classroom Valentine's celebration will be on Tuesday the 14th. Correction from last time- there are 15 children total in our class. Festive attire is welcome, but not mandatory. Valentine cards (please no candy) are also welcome, but not mandatory. Cards should have the "From" part filled out, but not the "To" part.

4. There is a Papa Gino's fundraising night at the Pleasant Street location in Attleboro on Feb. 19!

5. School will be closed the week of Feb. 20th-24th.

Okay, onto the fun stuff!

Sensei Michael visited us again! This week he focused on Respect. Having explained it to the kids as, treat someone or something, the way you want to be treated. If you want someone to listen to you, listen to them. If you want people to help you when you need help cleaning up, help them when they need it. Using this word at home will help to reinforce the concept, the language, and could be mutually beneficial!

We focused on the letter B this week. The children had fun looking for B's around the classroom, and making a long list of words that start with B! We practice by repeating the sound, then saying the word..." Buh, Buh, Ball" Doing this at home, while driving around, or in the store is a great way to reinforce these concepts as well. If you get excited about it, they'll (hopefully) get excited about it. You could also do this with the letters in their name, since those are the ones they're most connected to.

Our book this week was Grandma's Tiny House by JaNay Brown-Wood and Priscilla Burris. This sweet, rhyming counting book introduces young readers to numbers one through fifteen as Grandma's family and friends fill her tiny house on Brown Street. Neighbors, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and grandkids crowd into the house and pile it high with treats for a family feast. But when the walls begin to bulge and no-body has enough space to eat, one clever grandchild knows exactly what to do. They moved the party outside!

What was NEW in centers?

Art- The children made snowflakes using glue bottles and cotton balls, and decorated winter hats by matching shape stickers with the shapes on the hat.

Easel- More snowflakes, but this time with stickers!

Math- The kids stretched putty to find pieces of a snowman hidden inside! This putty is wonderful for building finger and hand strength, it's also just fun to play with!

Discovery- Squigs are suction cups made for building, creating, and experimenting!

Sensory- Blue pellets, spoons, cups, and funnels made for a fun time!

This was our last week with pink playdough, the hot cocoa stand, bristle blocks, and magnatiles (at least, for now).

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

We hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend!


Christina Renoni, Ashlee Taylor, and Erica Derbyshire


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