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Getting Settled in Pre-K 2!

Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families,

We had another great week of school. The children have done an excellent job picking up on the routines of the classroom and often remind me when I’m forgetting something. They are all great helpers!


* We got our very first PIGEON MAIL! We have been reading books about Pigeon by Mo Willems and we also have a stuffed animal pigeon in our classroom. Sometimes Pigeon will send us a message with a new vocabulary word for us to learn. Our word this week was SAFE. We spent a lot of time talking about what this word means and how we can be safe at school. Next week we will also talk about being SAFE at school, focusing on keeping our hands to ourselves.

Weekly Story: The Pigeon Needs a Bathl! by Mo Willems

Nursery Rhyme: Humpty Dumpty

This week during SMALL GROUPS, we:

* Read a story and played a game about safe and unsafe behaviors at school.

* Practiced counting and being able to recognize quantities.

* Practiced identifying and sequencing the letters in our first name. The kiddos also put their names up on the WORD WALL.

Here's what's happening at CENTERS:

Art- using glue bottles to make house collages, dot marker houses at the easel

Blocks- wooden blocks, wooden people, school buses and vehicles, animals

Dramatic Play- dishes, food, baby dolls

Writing/Library- people coloring pages and crayons, books about families and fall

Math- counting and sorting birthday present game, calendar

Science- 5 Senses Unit: I see with my eyes. The kiddos used their eyes to find objects in a bean-filled bottle.

Sensory Table- dried corn and beans, farm animals, fences, fruits and veggies

Playdough- red playdough, cookie cutters, rollers, scissors

We also had lots of fun playing in the big room during recess while we wait for our playground to be finished.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


Brenda Daday


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