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Good-Bye 2023 in the 3's!

Hi everyone!

First, we want to thank you all for the generous gifts and cards. We feel so thankful for the time we get to spend with your children, as well.

Our books this week were My Happy Day by Julia Giachetti and illustrated by Helen Poole, and Pete The Cat Saves Christmas by James Dean.

Our new centers this week were...

Art- Symmetrical painting mittens- the children painted one mitten, then pressed a blank one on top. When they are taken apart they create a symmetrical pair of mittens! We made applesauce cinnamon ornaments (NOT EDIBLE). The kids cut shapes out of applesauce, cinnamon, and glue dough with cookie cutters! It was lots of fun and the room smelled AMAZING while they were drying! Today we decorated bell cutouts with stickers, and wrapped those very special gifts that came home with them today.

Easel- We made scratch ornaments using sticks to make a design in the scratchboard shapes, and stamps on mittens.

Math- I Never Forget a Face matching game- matching pictures of different children from around the world

Discovery- Emoji feelings matching- matching the emojis to show feelings (happy, sad, angry, tired etc.)

Playdough fun.jpeg

We wish you all a happy and healthy break. And we will see you again on Tuesday, Jan. 2nd!


Christina Renoni and Julie Haynes


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