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Happy New Year from Pre-K 1!

Hello & Happy New Year to All,

You may have heard the exciting news! We have another new friend in our class. Welcome to Mathilde & family!

The children were very excited about the new centers for January. Our Pretend Center has changed to a Doctor's Office. There are many babies waiting to for their check-ups. The children are checking their hearts, blood pressure, temperature and some babies are even being wrapped in gauze due to boo-boos. There are many caring doctors in our class.

Instead of play doh, each of the children were able to pick out 3 different colored slimes. They were able to mix up the slime and see what color they created. There were Styrofoam balls, stars and glitter to add too. This has been a very busy spot with friends waiting for a turn to go here each day.

Sensory Table: I wanted to have the children practice their cutting skills. I was hoping they would have fun with what I put in the table. It truly made me so happy to see a waiting list to check this center out. Not only were they using all the different kinds of scissors and hole punchers with the materials in the table, but they also started making their own creations. There is a picture attached of Mat Man and a cat toy that were created.

Our Reading Street Book this week was Henny Penny by H. Werner Zimmermann. "Henny Penny and her friends are on their way to tell the king that the sky is falling when they meet a hungry fox." Our song was The Forest. Our vocabulary words were acorn, forest, shortcut, cave, hollered and sly.

Our Letter of the Week was S. Our list of S Words was the longest one yet! The children are so proud when they hear/come up with another word to add to our list. They are doing a great job with letter sounds and identify words around our classroom that begin with our Letter of the Week. This week they pointed out "Saturday and Sunday" from the calendar and "Sweeper and Super Duper Helper" from our job chart. Our song was Let's Set Sail.

We also read The Biggest Snowman Ever by Steven Kroll and Sledding by Elizabeth Winthrop.

Other activities in our classroom this week were:

Discovery: Magnetic sticks and balls to build with.

Math: Mini Muffin Matchup Game....the children would roll 2 dice; one for a color, the other for a number. They would then put the corresponding mini muffins into the muffin tin using a scooper.

Project Table: S is for Superhero.....there were superhero masks to decorate. This was a hit. I loved seeing the children wearing their masks after they made them. We also made superheroes out of craft sticks. The children could create their superhero and then search through the foam letters to find letter S to attach.

Sparkly Snowflakes...snowflakes were painted and then sparkles were added.

Art Easel: Watercolors and snowflake worksheets

Listening Center: The Penguin Who Wanted to Fly by Catherine Vase.

Thinking of you all!


Mrs. Kelley


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