Happy New Year from Pre-K 2 !
Hello Pre K Families,
Happy New Year!!
We had a great week in Pre-K! The children settled right back into our schedule!
This is what went on in the centers this week!
Dramatic Play- We have a pet care center in dramatic play this month. There are many animals that need shots, bandaids, checkups and TLC!
Playdough- The children love making snowmen with the white glitter playdough, adding a hat, eyes, carrot nose and scarf.
Art Easel- This week at the easel the children made chalk drawings.
Discovery Table- We made a cloud in a cup. This was to simulate what happens when it rains. The cloud will hold the moisture until it can’t anymore ant it will begin to rain.
We took a clear cup, put shaving cream on top (cloud) then added drops of blue water on the cloud, the cloud will hold the blue drops until it finally lets go, and you can see it rain blue water inside the cup!
Art Table- Quilt Q and Queen Q.
This weeks reading street book was “Whatever The Weather by Karen Wallace. One day it snows, the next it hails, and then the sun shines. But why does William wish for rain?
We also read, What is a raindrop and I am Weather
Song- Tell me what the weather will be.
Q song- Little Duck Quivered
Letter of the week for next week is-G. Show and tell Tuesday for letter G.
Ms. Pascal
Mrs. Taylor
