Having So Much Fun in Enrichment This Week!
Our first full week in Enrichment was wonderful! The children are getting used to our class routines and they have all been opening up to us and each other a lot. This week we started assigning classroom jobs that rotate each school day. We also started learning about the weather and our calendar. See if your child can sing our weather song for you!
We'll be focusing on families next week. We would like your child to bring in a picture of your family on Monday for us to hang up on our "Family Tree" in the classroom. Families come in all shapes and sizes, and we encourage your family picture to reflect your unique family!
This week -
Our first book this week was I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson. This book is about a pig who talked about the different things she liked about herself.
We also read The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds, to celebrate International Dot Day. At the beginning of this book, Vashti dislikes art class because she is convinced she can't draw. Her teacher encourages her to begin with a single dot and her creativity takes off. The story celebrates the creative spirit in everyone and Vashti learns that inspiration comes from even the smallest things.
This week in Centers-
Art- I Like Me! coloring pages and I Like Me projects. The children told us something they like about themselves, then drew a picture of it. These are now hanging in the hallway on our bulletin board, so be sure to check them out! We also colored ‘popsicle stick people’ to use in the classroom. To go along with our other book, The Dot, we let the children get creative with their own DOT artwork.
Discovery Table- Treasure Chests. Using shaped keys, the children had to find the matching treasure chest and open them to see what was inside.
Easel- Blank face drawings with outline of a head, shoulders, and eye stickers. They used mirrors to look at their faces to help draw facial features and expressions.
Math- Pompom coloring sorting using tongs.
Play-dough- We are using red play-dough this month! The color will change each month. With the playdough were rollers, scissors and cookie cutters.
Pretend center- We have babies and food in our pretend center. They are having lots of fun taking care of the babies!
Sensory Table- Corn and beans with big and small cups, big and small tubes, and measuring cups.
In addition, we played with blocks, puzzles, dinosaurs, Alpha-bots and read LOTS of books from our library!
Have a great weekend!
Ashlee Taylor & Christina Renoni
