Hello December in Pre-K 1!
Hello All,
I wanted to thank you for taking the time for conferences on Monday. It was nice to have the opportunity to discuss your children. The way I ended my week was hearing a child say their day was "awesome" right before we went home (which made my day)❤
Our Reading Street book this week was Subway by Anastasia Suen. "A rush of air, a car is there, hop, hop, hop on the subway. Come along for the ride as a little girl and her mother hop on the subway. From spinning turnstiles and musicians performing on the platform to people hopping off and on and lights flashing past in the tunnels, the sights and sounds of the subway have an energy all of their own."
Our song was Let's Travel in the City. Our vocabulary words were subway, hurry, stair, cars, ride and stop.
We also read Marvin Gets Mad by Joseph Theobald and The Day The Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt.
Other activities in our classroom this week were:
Discovery: Locks...10 different locks and keys. Ask your child how they were able to figure out which key went with each lock. I think everyone was at this table at some point this week.
Math: Light table....we were working on sorting and patterns
Project Table: Q is for Queen...the children worked hard gluing, coloring and decorating their queen with jewels.
Art Easel: Painting with Q-tips...many beautiful gingerbread houses were made.
The Sensory Table is now a Fairy Garden....homes, fairies, animals, rocks & jewels are amongst coffee beans and paper straw.
Our Block Area was very busy! Lots of building going on...marble runs and train tracks.
Looking ahead our Letter of the Week will be G. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Kelley
