It's November is Mixed Age!
Hello Mixed Age families, and happy weekend!!
We had a great week in our classroom, and wrapped up October with a Halloween dance party! We have now launched literacy month for November, and we enjoyed our first spirit day on Friday. You should all have received stars for our school-wide bulletin board, please write down any books you read at home on the stars and return them either to me or Mrs. Lay.
On Wednesday this week Mrs. Brown from the Attleboro Public Library came to visit our school to officially kick off literacy month. She went over the rules of the library - quiet voices, walking feet, and take good care of the books, and reminded the children that the librarian is always happy to help them, especially when they bring their nice manners and can be patient. During her visit she also read a book - How Do Dinosaurs Learn to Read.
Here’s a peak at what we did in centers this week. Next week our pretend center, sensory table and play dough will be switching over for November.
Art Table: Wooden Pumpkin ornaments were colored and decorated with leaf stickers. We will likely have different versions of these coming home over the next few weeks. Halloween Coloring pages with markers and crayons. Pumpkin pages that the children decorated with circle stickers. We’re working hard on our pincer grasp, and peeling stickers is a great way to strengthen those finger muscles.
Discovery Table: Wire baskets were strung with yarn to create a web, and small plastic spiders were hidden within and below the web. The children used plastic tweezers to “rescue” the spiders from the web. They worked really hard at this and were so proud each time they were able to get them all out!
Math Table: The children sorted colored balls into test tubes. To pick the balls up they used four pronged claw grabbers.
Steam Engine Whistle Song
Let It Go
Monster Mash
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Sit Down, Stand Up
We Don’t Talk About Bruno
Fruit Salad
Tooty Ta
The Teeny Tiny Ghost
Are You My Mother
I want to be an Astronaut
We are now getting into the colder weather. Please send your child to school with a coat, hat, and soft mittens every day. The knit mittens are easiest for the kiddos to put on themselves, so please skip the insulated waterproof variety, and please skip gloves. We are always happy to help with getting ready, but getting 7-8 children ready myself takes time, so we all need to work together!
Please take a look at what your child has as school for extra clothes, and swap out any shorts that might be left over for pants, and make sure that they have spare undies. If your child uses pull ups at school, please be sure they have a stash in the bathroom.
I look forward to seeing you next week!
Katy Fyrberg
