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January Joy in Pre-K 1!

Hi Everyone,

The week went by very fast! The doctor's office continues to be very popular. There was an addition to our Pretend Center this week. It's a medical cart/cabinet....with drawers full of supplies.

Our Reading Street Book this week was Henny Penny by H. Werner Zimmermann. "Henny Penny and her friends are on their way to tell the king that the sky is falling when they meet a hungry fox."

Our song was The Forest. Our vocabulary words were acorn, forest, shortcut, cave, hollered and sly.

Our Letter of the Week was J. Our song was Jump, Jump, Jump for Joy.

We also read When The Snow Falls by Linda Booth and The Mitten by Jan Brett. The children LOVED the project today of creating their own mitten along with the animals from the story. They were excited to bring it home so that they could tell you the story.

Other activities in our classroom this week were:

Sensory Table: I wanted to have the children practice their cutting skills. I was hoping they would have fun with what I put in the table. It truly made me so happy to see how much they enjoyed this. Not only were they using all the different kinds of scissors and hole punchers with the materials in the table, but they also started making their own creations. Purses and skirts for Barbie Dolls, fishing rods, hoses, gifts for families.

Discovery: Sense of Sight...I Spy Game to play. There are also some big books in our classroom library about our senses.

Math: Numbered snowmen and buttons. We continue to work on identifying numbers. The children would add the corresponding number of buttons to the snowmen.

Project Table: J is for Jewel.....gluing jewels on the letter J

J is for Jellyfish...putting a jellyfish together and decorating it

Constructions paper crayons and jungle stickers

Art Easel: Blue paper and white paint for free art

Writing Table: J Worksheets and scented markers. Many creations from the sensory table were brought over to the writing table to be colored.

Looking ahead to next week, Jack and Jill will be closed on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday. Our letter of the week will be D and Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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