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Learning in a Winter Wonderland in 4 Day Pre-K!

Hello Families!


What a fun week we had in Pre-K! Some of us got very messy with shaving cream or fake snow (baking soda and white hair conditioner) and we even got to play outside in the REAL snow! The kids did a great job putting all their snow gear on. Seems how we have 18 kids in our class, we do 1 article of snow gear at a time so everyone can practice getting ready themselves! 

On Monday we had a visit from Mr.G. He read Rainbow Fish to the class and they loved it! On Thursday Mrs.G visited us for music and movement. The kids love singing "Blue Bird-Blue Bird" with her (that song will definitely get stuck in your head!) 

Our Letter of the Week was "S" and the improvements that we have seen over these last 2 weeks is AMAZING! The class was able to come up with 36 "S" words which is our LONGEST list yet! Our next letter of the week is J.

   Math Center this week involved a shape scavenger hunt around the classroom! This was a HUGE hit! Everyday before the kids arrived Mrs.Derbyshire and myself would move the shapes all around the classroom for the kids to find. 

   The Art Table this week was MESSY! The kids got to make melted snowmen (shaving cream & glue) and they colored a variety of snowmen pictures. We even put shaving cream all over the table on Thursday for them to practice writing their letters in. At the easel we had a variety of winter pictures for them to color using bingo dots or crayons. 

   The Discovery Table this week involved magnets. There were a bunch of different objects for them to test out and see if they would stick to the magnets. On Thursday I made fake snow (baking soda & white hair conditioner) for them to explore. I put some snowman supplies in the bucket as well for them to build with. 

   At the Writing Table this week we had "S" worksheets, "S" books for the kids to color and snowman cutting sheets for them to practice. 

   Our books this week included "Round is a Mooncake", "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" and "Snowy Bear". 

Reminder that we are CLOSED Monday to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day! I hope everyone has a great long weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday! 

Mrs.Deighan & Mrs.Derbyshire 


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