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Lots of Learning in 4 Day Pre-K!

Hello Families!

I can't believe it is already December! This school year is flying by! I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. It was great to meet with all of you for Parent-Teacher Conferences. For those that requested copies of the assessments I put them in your child's folder to be sent home. I will be sending home their Turkey in Disguises this week (everyone who sent one in did an AMAZING job!)

This week at the math center we did Octopus Dominoes. The children had to correspond the colors on the cards. They really liked playing this game.

At the Discovery Center we explored Opposites. The kids looked at all the different cards to see if they could match up the opposites.

At the Art Table this week we made Olaf in a Snowglobe! I will be adding some glitter to these once they dry. The kids also drew pictures of what they are Thankful for to close out the month of November. At the Easel we had "O" coloring sheets and Free Art on Thursday.

This was our last week for the Zoo in Dramatic Play and the Hot Chocolate Bar at the Sensory Table. Next week we will have something new for them to check out!

Our Reading Street Book this week was All About Owls. The children loved learning about the different stages of owl development. We also enjoyed a book that Landon brought in for Show & Tell called Oliver the Octopus. Evan also brought in a book for Show & Tell about Ocean Animals that we read as well.

Our Letter Of The Week was O! The kids did a great job with their show & tells and practiced writing the letter. I am really impressed with the improvements they have all been making. Our Letter Of The Week for next week is Q.

As a reminder: it is getting COLDER and the children NEED a hat, mittens and a warm coat EVERY DAY! We do have spares just in case. We have also been going through A LOT of tissues so if anyone wants to donate a box or two that would be much appreciated!!

I hope you all have a great rest of your weekend and I will see everyone on Monday morning!

-Mrs. Deighan & Mrs.Derbyshire


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