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Lucky Moments in 5 Day Pre-K!


Happy St. Patrick's Day!  One of my favorite things in the classroom is listening to the children and the wonderful ideas they come up with. On Friday, they asked if they could build a Leprechaun Trap. I said that sounded like a great idea & they were welcome to use anything in the classroom. What wonderful ideas they came up with....everyone had input and lots of creativity was shown! Making grass, coloring and hanging shamrocks, a pot, gold, building a trap door, and adding dinosaurs. One of my favorite questions was "do we have any lights, I think the leprechaun does not like the dark."  I attached pictures of the children hard at work and the final product.

We took a break from the Reading Street Curriculum. We read Mouse Paint by Ellen Walsh. We also read Pete the Cat and the Great Leprechaun Chase by James Dean. We listened to Llama Llama and the Bully Goat by Anna Dewdney. 

Our Letter of the Week was V. Our Letter Sounds Song was Viv, Victor and Vikki Grow Veggies.

Other activities included:

Project Table:  We did our own color mixing at the Project Table when painting shamrocks. The children used yellow and blue paint to come up with their perfect shade of green. 

Also available were rainbow dot markers, pots and gold to create a picture.

Art Easel:  We have been talking a lot about growing and changing. This week the children looked in a mirror and drew a self portrait. These will be hung up on our Bulletin Board in the hallway for you to check out.

Math Table: We started the week with pattern blocks and boards. We ended with graphing. With their own bag of lucky charms, the children learned graphing skills. This was very popular! 

Pretend Center: Our School is still very busy. Chairs were set up with dolls as students this week. 

Sensory Table: Mulch, dinosaurs, wood blocks

Looking ahead, Hat Day is on Tuesday. Show & Tell for Letter M will be on Wednesday.  

See you in the morning!

Mrs. Kelley


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