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March is Here in the 3's!

Good afternoon families! We had a busy first week back from February break. This month our activities are going to help the teachers assess the students for the upcoming progress reports. We will practice re-telling stories, work on fine motor skills, as well as exploring some more language and mathematical concepts. As always, the students will be learning while playing and having fun.

This week at MORNING MEETING, we read The Wheels on the Bus. We also learned the movements to go along with the story. Repetitive, predictable stories and songs help children remember events in the story or song. Students also learn to make predictions about what is coming next. This was a popular book and song with the kiddos! Ask your child to sing it for you.

This week at CENTERS:

Playdough: purple playdough, rollers, squeezers, scissors, gold coins, green shamrocks and little dinosaur skeletons

Pretend Center: The children are still enjoying the workshop. We decided to keep it up for a couple more weeks since February was a short month. There has been LOTS of hammering, drilling and sawing going on.

Literacy Cart: magnetic trace-a-letter boards

Writing Table: For the next couple of weeks, there will be a light box at the table. The children enjoyed playing with colorful, translucent letters and building blocks.

Art: This week the children used paintbrushes and puffy paint to make school buses. First, they painted the bus, then they stuck paper windows, wheels and a stop sign onto the puffy paint. We will hang them up on the bulletin board in the hallway next week. Be sure to check them out!

Easel: dot marker school bus papers

Discovery Center: The students practiced sorting by category. They had to figure out where to put the farm animals, bears and vehicles. Do they go at the farm? In the cave? In the city?

Math Table: More sorting at this center. The kiddos sorted pictures of BIG and LITTLE animals into the BIG and LITTLE zoos. We also worked on some positional language such as “under,” “on,” and “next to.” The teachers asked the children to put a little bear under/on/next to a cup.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend. We look forward to seeing your little ones next Thursday, March 10th!

Your teachers,

Brenda Daday & Christina Renoni


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