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March is Moving On in the 3's!

Happy Friday! We finally made it through March. We had lots of fun this month, but the teachers are looking forward to the spring weather! This week, our story and activities focused around DINOSAURS. Dinosaurs are a very popular topic in our class, so we decided to explore them a little more during this last week in March.

This week at MORNING MEETING, we read Pop-Up Peekaboo! Baby Dinosaur. The kiddos had fun trying to guess where the mommy dinosaur was hiding on each page. We also did some dancing to We are the Dinosaurs Marching, DInosaur STOMP and Move Like the Dinosaurs.

What’s NEW in CENTERS?

Art: The children painted pictures of dinosaurs. They LOVE to paint! Painting is a wonderful opportunity to work on strengthening not only the muscles in their fingers, hands and arms, but also their core. Of course it is also a great way for them to express their creativity, and to get MESSY!

Easel: Dinosaur coloring pages, markers, colored pencils and stickers

Discovery Table: Dinosaur pattern block mats with magnetic pattern blocks.

Math Table: The children played with dinosaur figures and a dino play mat with different shaped caves and a counting "dino parade" road.

Writing Table: Dinosaur mazes, coloring pages, gel pens, crayons and markers.

We hope you have a fabulous weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next Thursday!

Your teachers,

Brenda Daday and Christina Renoni


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