March is Moving On is Mixed Age!
Hello Families,
We had another good week in our classroom. March went by very quickly and now we are on to April. The next two months are going to go by very quickly!
Here are some of the things we did in the classroom this week.
Math Table~ Numbered rainbows 1-10 and corresponding dot rainbows to match together.
Discovery Table~ Colored bugs, tweezers and bowls for sorting.
Easel~ White paper along with crayons, colored pencils and markers. They had mirrors out as well if they wanted to make a self portrait of themselves.
Art/WritingTable~ Painting flowers with paper towel tubes using pink and green paint. They also made flowers out of coffee filters; they colored the filter with different color markers and then spritzed it with water to make the colors run together, when they were dry they added a stem and some leaves. There was also an assortment of coloring pages and a big white sheet of paper to color on.
Pretend Center: Is now a school, they have loved being teachers and using the pointers and adding numbers to the calendar. There is a chalk board, flannel board and a weather chart to us as well.
Play-doh Table~ The kids had cloud dough to use Monday & Wednesday this week with pipe cleaners, small plastic trees and rubber duckies. On Thursday and Friday they played with shaving cream, both things were very messy but they had a blast.
If you Give a Cat a Cupcake By Laura Numeroff
The Book with No Pictures By B. J Novak
From Head to Toe By Eric Carle
Listen & Move
Animal Action
Tutti Ta
The Floor is Lave
The Goldfish
Letter T is our show and tell next week. Please bring in 1 item into the classroom on Monday morning. Thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg
