Marching Towards Summer in Mixed Age
Hello Mixed Age Families,
I hope this email finds you all well and you have been enjoying this summer like weather, I know the kids have loved playing outside at recess although it was pretty hot in the sun. Please make sure you are applying sunblock each morning before school! We had a wonderful few days together and it is hard to believe that we have 5 days of school left; we have started a paper chain and we take of one part of the chain off at the end of each day so the friends can count how many days we have left together.
I have been hearing a lot of kids singing songs throughout the morning so today during snack time I was taking requests for music that we could listen to while we ate our snacks. Today the songs were; Believer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle theme song, God Bless America & Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. It was fun to hear them singing along and seeing their smiling faces!!
Here is what we did in the classroom this week:
Math Table~ Animal counters and wooden pieces( a classroom favorite)
Discovery Table~ Big plastic solo cups & popsicle sticks for building with.
Art/Writing Table~ Butterflies painting using pink, green and yellow paint; they painted one side of the butterfly and then folded the butterfly in half to make the other side got painted too, when they opened the butterfly up they noticed that the wings were the same on both sides. There was also coloring sheets and plain paper to use.
Easel~ Dot markers and markers to color the Butterfly coloring sheet
Puzzles & Games Rug~ The kids have been enjoying putting together their own Mat man with the assorted pieces in the basket.
Listening Center~ Clark the Shark By Bruce Hale
The Big Yawn By Keith Faulkner (Thank you Dean for sharing)
Follow the Leader By Emma Clark
Grumpy Monkey By Suzanne Lang
Stand up, Sit Down
A Very Simple Dance
Party Rock
Can't Stop this Feeling
We are the Dinosaurs
Hamster Dance
Z is our show and tell letter next week!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Best, Julie Haynes
