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May Moments in Pre-K 2!

Hello Pre K Families,

We had a wonderful week!

Here is what went on in the centers this week…

Letter Review week in Pre K! The children had fun playing name that letter and showing they knew the sign for it ( sign language).

Mrs. Lehane came in to read to the children on Monday.

On Tuesday we read “Chicka Chica Boom Boom”

The lowercase alphabet tries climbing up a coconut tree in order, until their weight causes the tree to lean over, and everyone falls out of the tree. After that, the uppercase alphabet(the older relatives of the lowercase alphabet) comes to rescue them. Again alphabetically, while being rescued, most of the letters receive injuries, including D having a skinned-knee, E having a stubbed toe, F being patched up, G being all out of breath, H and I being tangled up, J and K about to cry, L being knotted like a tie, M being looped, N being stooped, O being twisted "alley-oop," P having a black eye, and T having a loose tooth. However, the rest of the letters have no injuries. The sun goes down afterwards. Later at night, the letter A starts to get out of bed and climbs up the tree again, daring all the other letters to catch him.

We painted trees on Monday and then on Tuesday added leaves , letters and coconuts!

We also talked about our class caterpillars, and a butterflies life cycle. This was further explored on Wednesday and Thursday with books and art table craft.

Sensory Table- Fairy Gardens!

Playdough Table- Blue playdough and lots of sea animals and plant life.

*****Tuesday is our class talent show. I have told the children they can show us anything that they want, a song, a magic trick, a joke, a dance, karate move, instrument or bringing a toy and show us how it works. I am asking that NO stuffed animals come in for this one. If they would like me to play a song for them to sing along with or dance to- have the title ready, and I can play it for them!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the warm weather

Miss Pascal and Mrs. Taylor


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