More December Fun in 4 Day Pre-K!
Hello Families!
I can't believe it is already DECEMBER! This year is flying by! The kids are loving the new centers we set up and our 1st student took home the "flat Mrs.Deighan & flat Mrs.Derbyshire" on Thursday! Every child for the rest of the school year will get a chance to take us home for the weekend! It is getting MUCH colder so please remember a winter coat,hat and mittens (gloves only if your child is able to do them by themselves) everyday! Please also remember to check your child's mailbox (in the hallway) and yellow folder everyday.
This week we changed the dramatic play area. It is now a Hot Cocoa & Cookie Stand/Cafe. I will be adding little things here and there as we continue throughout the month.
At the Math Center the children got to count and create an environment for penguins using the ice blocks. They really enjoyed this center!
At the Art table this week we made Winter Trees using white paint (glitter was added) and Q-tips. We also made Gingerbread Men for our hallway bulletin board. On Thursday we made handprint Menorahs for the start of Hanukkah.
At the Discovery Center the children had to sort the different shapes and stack them on the stand provided. It was a little tricky but I am proud of those who didn't give up and kept on trying!
At the Writing Table we had different worksheets for the Letter Q. Some also got to make books with different "Q" words. (next week is Letter G)
At the Easel we had "Q" coloring sheets, winter scenes and free art.
Our Reading Street Book this week was "Whatever The Weather" which talked about all different kinds of weather. It also had a song to go along with it. The other books we read this week were "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bell, "Goatilocks And The Three Bears" and "I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Dreidel". We talked alot about Hanukkah this week. We will also be talking about Christmas and Kwanzaa as well in the coming weeks.
I also have something EXCITING to share: Thursday December 14thwe will be having GRINCH DAY! We will enjoy math and literacy activities all centered around the Grinch. Your child is welcome to dress up for this fun day. Ideas include: wearing green, trying out some Who-inspired hairdos or even wearing antlers like the Grinch's dog Max to name a few.
I hope you all have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday!
Mrs.Deighan & Mrs.Derbyshire
