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More Excitement in Mixed Age!

Good Afternoon Mixed Age Families,

I hope this email finds you all well. This week went by fast, we had lots of friends out and some very energetic kids at school each day...... they all have Spring Fever!! We have been talking a lot about taking care of each other and being kind to each other. We also wanted to remind everyone that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday as all the teachers have a Professional Development day.

Now would be a good time to check the extra clothes above the coat hooks some of the kids have really grown and they might be too small now. Make sure the clothes are in a labeled bag; there are pants, a shirt, underwear and socks as we never know what might be needed. Thank you in advance!

Here is what we did in the classroom this week:

Math Table~ Numbered pots and gold coins

Discovery~ Textured collage with all of our show and tell items and a few more materials that were added to the tray. They worked hard gluing the things on. You can check out our group artwork in the hallway next week.

Art/Writing Table~ Pots of gold Activity; They glued on the pot and the coins and were asked what they would buy if they found a pot of gold. Paper plate rainbows and free art kept everyone busy as well.

Easel~ Self portrait pictures using markers and each spot had a mirror to look into.

Play dough Table~ Is now a glittery/gold color with star bead, small yellow pompoms, coins, pipe cleaners and colored popsicle sticks. They have been enjoying themselves all week.

Books: Music:

Lucy's Picture Tutti Ta

Pinkalicious Bear Hunt

Llama, Llama Red Pajama Animal Action

Pete the Cat and the Pizza Party Hamster Dance

Visitors this week:

Monday~ Mrs. Lehane came in and read Skippy John Jones Mummy Trouble

Friday~ Mrs. G came endplayed her ukulele and sang the Ice Cream Sundae song as well as Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear. She showed them a Glockenspiel and a Metallophone and played them so they could hear how they sound.

Show and Tell next week will be on Tuesday, please have you child bring in 1 GREEN item when they come into class in the morning.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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