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More March Excitement in Pre-K 2!

Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families,

We had another busy week of playing and learning. Mrs. Lehane came to read to us. She read us another Skippyjon Jones book. The kiddos love these silly books. Mrs. T also came and brought her guitar. She read us a story, did some rainbow magic and sang lots of songs for us. Thanks for visiting Mrs. Lehane and Mrs. T!

Reminder: No school on Monday. The teachers will continue our professional development for the Seeds of STEM Science Curriculum.

READ ACROSS AMERICA SPIRIT DAY: Tuesday, 3/14 Wear your favorite tutu or tie!


Story: "Ocean Life" by Jill McDonald, “Over in the Ocean” by Marianne Berkes

Skills: handwriting the letter J, Reading Street Song: “Jump, Jump, Jump for Joy” (letter J), finding the letter J, counting words in a sentence, intro to punctuation (exclamation points, periods and question marks), looking at illustrations for clues about books and songs

Seeds of STEM Focus: intro ocean habitat, exploring differences between forest and ocean habitats and why ocean animals cannot live in the forest

Here's what's happening at CENTERS:

Art- painting oceans with blue paint and combs, gluing fish onto the ocean painting, and watercolor painting coral at the easel (A special thank you to Olivia’s mom for making the beautiful fish the kiddos glued on their ocean art!)

Blocks- magnatiles, wooden blocks, wooden people, Octonauts toys, ocean animals

Dramatic Play- Animal Hospital with stuffed animals, vet tools, vet bench, X-rays, animal carriers, bathtub

Writing/Library- books about habitats and animals, Handwriting without Tears materials for practicing the letter J, ocean drawing papers

Playdough: yellow playdough with desert animals and cacti

Math- patterning with little animal figures

Science- ocean habitat sensory bins with water, ocean animals, shells and pouring cups

Sensory Table- We built a forest habitat complete with food, water and shelter for the animals.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, March 14th!


Brenda Daday


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