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November Memories in Mixed Age!

Good Afternoon Mixed Ages Families,

These weeks are flying by so quickly and we are already halfway through November. Everyone was so busy this week and today they all enjoyed the new play dough scissors while playing with the play dough table. We also have been enjoying outside but it has been really cold this week, please make sure your child has a hat and mittens each day.

On Tuesday next week we are having our Friendship Feast with all of the other classes. Our food that we are bringing to the feast is individual baggies of apples so we are looking for 9 packages of 6 individual baggies. If you would like to contribute please respond to this email and I will let everyone now when we have all 9. Please bring in on Monday morning. Thank you.

Here is what we did in the classroom this week:

Math Table~ Colored houses and family counters

Discovery Table~ At the beginning of the week we had mini marshmallows, cranberries and toothp