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October is Almost Over in 4 Day Pre-K!

ello Families!

November is almost here (how in the world did that happen!) and the weather this week was BEAUTIFUL! We spent as much time outside as we could soaking up the last few rays of sunshine before it's back to rain next week. Please make sure you are sending in a jacket or sweatshirt everyday!

We had a special visitor this week for Community Helpers Month: Dental Assistant! The kids loved brushing our dinosaur's teeth and learning all about dental hygiene. It's super important to take your children to the dentist so if you haven't yet please do so! She also gave each child a goodie bag which included a toothbrush.

Math this week was Monster Eyes! Each card had a different number on it and the kids had to figure out how many googley eyes to put on their monster.

Discovery Center was by far my favorite center this week and I think all the kids would agree! We made a pumpkin volcano using baking soda, dish soap, food coloring & vinegar. All those ingredients mixed together inside a pumpkin came bubbling out like a volcano. We also used the same ingredients in a water bottle with a deflated balloon attached to the top (with a ghost face) and when they were all mixed together it made the balloon inflate. Our last experiment this week I lined a plate with orange and green skittles in the shape of a pumpkin and poured hot water in the middle. When the water came in contact with the skittles it made the colors melt and the water turned into a pumpkin. These experiments were pretty fun!

The Art Center this week was messy! We made cotton ball ghosts, handprint Frankenstein's & Witches and we painted pumpkins! There was a few that were still too wet to send home on Thursday so those will be sent home on Monday.

Our letter of the week was I and everyone did a great job with their show and tell. We had some I worksheets and coloring pages at the writing table and art easel this week. All the kids are doing an awesome job writing our letter of the week on the chalkboard before they choose a center to play at!

Letter of the Week for Oct.30 - Nov.3: U


Cassie's Word Quilt

10 Busy Brooms

Reminder: I know that Tuesday is Halloween but we are not allowing costumes at school. We are encouraging the children to wear orange & black! Also we are not allowing any goodies bags to be passed out. Book Grams can also be purchased in the middle room for $3. They will be passed out to the children in November for Literacy Month.

We hope everyone has a great weekend and we will see you all Monday morning!

Mrs.Deighan & Mrs.Derbyshire


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