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On to October in Pre-K 1

Hello Families,

What a week we have had! Our Pretend Center has been changed over for the month of October to a Construction Site. This has been a very popular spot this week! The children have been very busy measuring and building. We have styrofoam that they have been working hard to put nails (golf tees) in and then using their tools to remove them.

Our play doh is now orange and there are leaf and pumpkin cookie cutters available. We also worked on rolling the play doh to make the Letter E.

Our Letter Sound Song was Let's, Let's, Let's Pretend.

This week our Reading Street Book was Homes A to Z by Judy Nayer. This book was about all different houses people live in all around the world. We talked about what our houses look like and which homes in the book we would like to live in. I told the children to keep their eyes open when they are in the car to look for tall apartment buildings, older style homes, new modern homes, houses with stone, farms and log cabins. Our Reading Street song was I Live In A Castle. Our vocabulary words were castle, carpets, cave, farm, jungle and row.

We were very lucky to have our Guest Reader, Mrs. Lehane visit us this week. She read If by Sarah Perry and What Do You Do With An Idea by Kobi Yamada. She also showed us her "idea rock".

The other books we read this week were Sixteen Runaway Pumpkins by Diannee Ochiltree and we listened to Up, Up, Up It's Apple Picking Time by Jody Fickes Shapiro.

Our Centers this week:

Writing Table: E Booklets & E Worksheets and dry erase boards.

Discovery Table: Magnets...the children really enjoyed this. They were excited to explore how the magnets moved each other.

Math Table: Counting Apples...plastic numbered containers that the children filled with wooden apples.

Art Easel: E is for Eyes! There were 2 eyes glued on white paper. The children could turn it into anything they wanted using watercolors.

Art Table: E for Elephant makers, markers and googly eyes. Also, heart stickers and ribbon to decorate the elephants with.

On Thursday and Friday, we made scarecrows which will go up on our Bulletin Board in the hallway. This table was busy both days and some children wanted to make more than one scarecrow so we will continue making them on Tuesday.

Sensory Table: Beans with a farm, animals, scoopers, spoons and containers.

Looking ahead our Letter of the Week next week will be H. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.

I hope you all have a great long weekend! I will see everyone on Tuesday!


Mrs. Kelley


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