Playing, Learning and Growing in 5 Day Pre-K!
Hi Everyone,
We had a good week in our classroom. Everyone is very busy during Center Time each day. They children truly seem to enjoy all of the activities in our classroom. I added construction vehicles, lumber and rocks to the sand in the Sensory Table. It's our very own construction site.
We have been talking a lot about one of our school rules "We take care of our friends and teachers." This includes using manners such as thank you, you're welcome, please and excuse me. Also, answering when someone is speaking to you. We did a learning activity today of behaviors and whether they were thumbs up or thumbs down actions.
Our Letter of the Week was F. Our song this week was Five Fat Cats. We practiced making letter F and also hunted for letter F in our books in our classroom library. Identifying the letter of our week is a fun activity that can be done at home too. One child told me today that he spotted letter F on a poster in the hallway at school.
This week's Reading Street book was We Need Construction Workers by Lisa Trumbauer. "Simple text and photographs present construction workers (both male and female) and their role in the community". Our song to go along with our book was We Are Builders. Our Amazing Words were buildings, hammers, lumber, pound, wear (hard hats, tool belts, work boots) and community. I told the children to keep their eyes open for construction going on in our community. There is much of it happening in Attleboro!
We listened to Froggy's Worst Playdate by Jonathan London. We read That's What Friends Are For by Julia Hubery.
Our Centers this week:
Writing Table: Chalkboards, F Booklets & F Worksheets
Discovery Table: Listening...finding pairs of shakers that sounded the same.
Math Table: Pattern Puzzles
Art Easel: Decorating the letter F with feathers and crayons
Farm stickers and markers to make a picture
Project Table: Materials to decorate a fish
Construction hats to decorate
Fall leaves to decorate for Mrs. Lay's Bulletin Board at the bottom of the stairs.
Looking ahead our Letter of the Week next week will be E. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Mrs. Kelley
