Saying Goodbye to March in the 3's!
Hi everyone!
I can't believe it's the end of March already, but here we are wearing winter coats in the morning, and sweatshirts in the afternoon. Typical New England!
I have a few dates in April to make you aware of before we dive into the fun of this week.
4/6- PICTURE DAY- If you haven't returned it already, please give your picture form to us at the door on Thursday. Weather permitting, we'll still be going outside first thing, so please keep that in mind when dressing them for pictures.
4/20&21- NO SCHOOL
Our book this week was Play This Book by Jessica Young. It's a fun walk through of some instruments in the band that we could "play" along with!
What was new in centers?
Art- We painted chicks with forks and yellow paint!
Easel- MORE PAINT! We painted flowers to decorate our tree in our classroom!
Math- Shape pictures- Using foam shapes we created pictures and designs.
Sensory- We're growing a garden in our classroom! Using pots, tools, and flowers the children showed their green thumbs!
These things, along with the blocks, playdough, library, pretend center, and playground we filled our days with fun!
We hope you have a wonderful weekend! And as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor
