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Starting 2024 Off Right in 4 Day Pre-K!

Hello Families! 

I can't believe it is already January 2024! This school year is flying by! We had a short week this week so we will be repeating the letter "S" again next week. Instead of doing our normal show & tell we are going to have the kids bring in something that pertains to a shape. Our Reading Street book this upcoming week is about Shapes so we figured this would be a good way to tie the two together. Any questions just let me know! 


Dramatic Play this month is set up like a Mexican Restaurant. The kids have been making some pretty yummy tacos and nachos for us to enjoy! They also have been making some music with the guitars and maracas. 


At the Art Table this week they made some BEAUTIFUL coffee filter snowflakes! They are hanging up in the hallway. They also made some Lego print igloos. 


At the Easel they used marker dots and crayons to decorate "Happy New Year" and "January" coloring sheets. 


At the Math Table they counted mittens using blocks. Each mitten had a different number (1-10) and they had to put the correct number of blocks in the mitten. 


At the Discovery Center they got to build different nests and rock structures for the colorful birds. 


Blue Play-Doh was added this month! We put a bunch of new cookie cutters and letters for them to use with the play-doh. 


Paw Patrol and Thomas the Train were also added this month! These two options have been a HUGE hit! 


Our Reading Street book this week was called "Quack Daisy Quack" which the kids all loved! We also read " Bad Kitty Does NOT Like Snow". We talked about what kind of clothing you should wear and not wear outside when it's snowing. We also talked about hot vs cold. 


I hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay warm! 

-Mrs.Deighan & Mrs.Derbyshire 


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