Starting 2024 Off Right in 5 Day Pre-K!
Hello & Happy New Year to All,
The children were very excited about the new centers for January. Our Pretend Center has changed to a Doctor's Office. There are many babies waiting for their check-ups. The children are checking their hearts, blood pressure, temperature and some babies are even being wrapped in gauze due to boo-boos. There are many caring doctors in our class.
This week we had shaving cream at the play-doh table.
Our Sensory Table is full of all different materials, tape, scissors & hole punchers. Today, the children were coming up with so many wonderful ideas. Purses, flowers, crowns, a neck brace, telescope, hat on a stick from our Snowy Rescue book and a hat that can hold food.
Our Reading Street Book this week was Henny Penny by H. Werner Zimmermann. "Henny Penny and her friends are on their way to tell the king that the sky is falling when they meet a hungry fox."
Our song was The Forest. Our vocabulary words were acorn, forest, shortcut, cave, hollered and sly.
Our Letter of the Week was S. The children came up with a list of words that began with S. There were 31 words! The children were so proud when they came up with another word to add to our list. We also worked on identifying s in print in the books of our library.
Our song was Let's Set Sail.
We also read One Snowy Rescue by M Christina Butler and Snow Day by Betsey Maestro.
Other activities in our classroom this week were:
Math: Light table with shapes to sort. The light table was also taken over by the doctors from the Pretend Center. They used the light table to view x-rays!
Discovery: Shape Scavenger Hunt...this was very popular! The children would take the clipboard showing the shapes they were hunting for & set off finding the corresponding shapes in our class room.
Project Table: Sparkly Snowflakes...snowflakes were painted and then sparkles were added.
S is for Shark.....the children decorated a shark & we turned it into a hat.
We also made superheroes out of craft sticks. The children could create their superhero and then search through the foam letters to find letter S to attach. Some even had sparkly capes!
Art Easel: Free Art...white paper and markers.
Looking ahead, Show & Tell on Wednesday will be for Letter J.
Have a nice weekend!
Mrs. Kelley
