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Still Having Fun in Enrichment!

Good afternoon, all!

The fun continued this week in Enrichment! Especially on the playground today! We saw a helicopter closer than any of us had ever been to one that was on! We think they were checking out the train tracks or electrical work, but they were so close that when we waved, they waved back! We talked about FAMILIES this week! Thank you to those that sent in family pictures to hang on our "family tree". If you didn't send one in this week, you can still send it next week if you'd like. We read The Family Book by Todd Parr, Our Table, by Peter H. Reynolds, and Our Classroom Rules! by Kallie George and Jay Fleck. It was great to read about and see pictures of all different kinds of families, including our classroom family. It was also great to learn about how families are the same, mainly that we share a love of fun and each other. What was NEW in centers this week? Art- We colored houses to go on our Family Tree, and to bring home, and we colored in pictures of members of our family and glued them into a house. Math- We sorted different colored bears into matching cups Easel- We made crayon rubbings of animals Discovery table- We played a sound matching game by shaking different boxes to match two together Block Area- We added train tracks to our block area! These things, in addition to our pretend center, playdough table, writing table, sensory table, and block area made for lots of imaginative fun! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. Have a great weekend! Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor


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