The Fun Doesn't Stop in 4 Day Pre-K!
Hello Families!
What a fun week we had in Pre-K! We got to have 2 visitors (Mass. State Trooper and a guest reader) and all the kids really enjoyed them both! On Monday Mrs.Lehane came to our classroom and read us a story. It was about how different we all are but together we make one class! On Wednesday Massachusetts State Trooper Tyler Hopkins came and taught us all about his job. The kids got to look at his police car and see some of his gear! It was really cool!
Our Letter of the Week was T and the children all did great writing this letter on the chalkboard everyday. We talked as a group about different words that start with T. Some examples that we got were tomato, T-Train, TNT, teacher, turtle and talk. We had them also point out T-words in our letter and song books. They can also practice this at home by looking around and seeing if they can point out words that start with our letter of the week.
Our Math Center this week consisted of tiny pumpkin erasers and different 10 frame charts. They had to figure out the number and put enough pumpkins on the chart. A lot of the kids did GREAT with this activity.
Our Science Center had pumpkins, gourds, leaves, acorns & pinecones (thank you Evan!) for them to examine. We had a scale and magnifying glasses there for them to really observe these fall objects.
Our Dramatic Play Center was a blast this week! The kids got to enjoy dinner and a movie! The kitchen was open (mostly serving popcorn) and the puppet theater was putting on a variety of shows! It was awesome to see the kids coming up with different story lines for their shows.
At Art Table we made spiders (that are hanging up in the hallway) Letter T Trees and we colored Thank You cards for the State Trooper. He also left us some blank badges for the kids to create their own. At the easel we had the Letter T Tiger coloring pages and some Halloween ones as well!
Orange Play-Dough and our Halloween Sensory Table full of corn, bones, spiders, pumpkins and eyeballs was also open for them to explore! We also put our dry erase boards with their names on it for them to practice!
-What Do You Do With A Tail Like This? By Steve Jenkins & Robin Page
-Walter's Wonderful Web
-Discovering My World: Leaves Change Color
Please remember to send in a jacket everyday because it is getting colder and we will be going outside earlier in the day before it may warm up! We hope to see you at the Fall Festival on Saturday from 10-12! Have a great weekend!
-Mrs.Deighan & Mrs.Derbyshire
