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The Start of a New School Year in 5 Day Pre-K!

Welcome to Pre-K!

I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all! We had a very busy week getting back into the school routine. 

I wanted to review the lunch and snack policies. Having lunch at school is a big change for some students in this class and I want them to be confident in having both lunch and snack at school.

This is from the Family Handbook. “Please pack your child’s snack and snack beverage in a large Ziplock storage bag labeled with their name and the word SNACK. This bag should be placed in the FRONT pocket of their backpack for easy access." It will be a grab and go situation, so your assistance is most appreciated! 

Their lunch should be packed separately in a lunch box and kept in the larger backpack pocket.


Lunches should be made up of 5 components. Water is not considered a component.

Some examples of 5 component lunches:

Ham and cheese on bread, juice box and carrots

Cheese pizza, water, yogurt and cucumbers

Chicken nuggets, Fresh veggie assortment, yogurt and juice box

Additionally, including a napkin in the snack bag & lunchbox is very helpful for the students to practice table manners. Thank you very much for your help with this.

I will be sending the children's blankets for Rest Time home at the end of each week. Please launder and send the blanket back in on Monday. Please make sure the blanket is labeled with your child's name and is small enough that it can be packed by your child in their backpack. 

This week we read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn, Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes, Back to School by Noe Carlain and Be Fair and Share! by Marla Maysen. We listened to Pete The Cat I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin.

Of course we have also been having fun during our center time which included:

Discovery Table: Magnetic sensory bottles 

Math Table: Colored Animals and Sorting Bowls. The children did a great of job sorting the animals by color.     

Play Dough: We have red play dough. The children have been busy rolling it out, using the cookie cutters and scissors. We also worked on lacing at this table. 

Pretend Center: The kitchen has been a hit! The children have been busy making meals and taking care of the babies.

Sensory Table: Our table is full of kinetic sand, sifters, scoopers, bowls, pails and molds of sea creatures and sand castles.   

Art Easel: We had paint sticks and white paper. There was also Chester the Raccoon available to paint. 

Project Table: The children were very excited to stamp their hand for the Kissing Hand project. I hope you enjoyed this keepsake. We also worked on decorating our own "white shoe" like Pete the Cat. These will be hanging on display on our bulletin board in the hallway on Tuesday. 

Writing Table: Chalkboards, white paper and scissors were available.

If you have any questions or concerns at any time please feel free to contact me.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone next week.  

Have a great weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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