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Weekly Highlights in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hi All,


We had a busy week in our classroom! Lots of fun, learning and even a visitor.  Mrs. T came in on Monday The children enjoyed singing carols, playing bells, learning a counting song about the menorah and listening to the story of Santa's New Suit. 


Our Reading Street Book this week was Round Is A Mooncake: A Book of Shapes by Roseanne Thong. "A little girl's neighborhood becomes a discovery ground of things round, square and rectangular." The children were very excited to point out objects in our book and name what shape the object was. We also did this within our classroom and then in the hallway of our school. This is a fun activity that you could do in your home too.

Our song was "Come With Me". Our vocabulary words were ticket, envelope, mooncake, basket and room.  


We also read The Gingerbread Man by Jim Aylesworth and The Gingerbread Cowboy by Janet Squires.


Our Letter of the Week was G. Our song was Get Going.    


Discovery:  Magnetic wands and bottles filled with pipe cleaner, paper clips and push pins. The children used the wands to try to move the items from the bottom of the bottle to the top. 


Math: Sort and Shape Game...we are working on color and number recognition. 


Project Table: Pinecone "trees" were created. The children first painted their pine cone and then were able to add glitter. We used a box to shake the pinecones back and forth to cover the paint with glitter. Many of these were created!

The children made their own gingerbread people. I LOVED seeing how they decorated their gingerbread. They are on our Bulletin Board outside of our classroom. This was very popular!


Pretend Center: Our Post Office continues to be very busy with lots of mail being made and delivered. Our Super Duper Helper each day empties the large mail box and makes deliveries to the childrens' mailboxes. 


Art Easel:  Gingerbread were colored with markers. 


Listening Center:  Click, Clack, Ho! Ho! Ho! by Doreen Cronin


Looking ahead to next week:


Wednesday is our Polar Express Party. Please have your child wear their pajamas and bring a small stuffed animal to school. Thursday and Friday are Holiday Sweater Days. There will not be a Letter of the Week or Show & Tell.


Have a wonderful weekend!



Mrs. Kelley


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