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Weekly Update from Pre-K 1!

Hi All,

A quick housekeeping item to start...please send a hat and mittens to school every day. I am noticing that many children do not have what they need when we are going outside for recess. Also, please do not send gloves unless your child can put them on themselves.

We had two visitors to our classroom this week. Mrs. Lehane came in on Monday and read No More Water In The Tub! by Ted Arnold. Today, Mrs. G came in to visit us.

Our Reading Street Book this week was Close Your Eyes by Kate Banks. "The little tiger lay on his back in the tall grass.

Close your eyes little tiger said his mother and go to sleep. But the little tiger is worried about what sleep might bring. His mother reassures him that once he closes his eyes he will dream of magical places. And when he awakens, she will be right there, waiting for him."

Our Reading Song was Little Stripes, the Tiger. Our vocabulary words were dreams, mountains, stretched, catch, ocean and stripes.

We also read If You Give A Pig A Party by Laura Numeroff and a National Geographic Reader called Penguins. The children enjoyed the photos and learning different facts about penguins.

Our Letter of the Week was P. Our song was Pip the Parrot.

Project Table: Pom pom paintings. These will be on the bulletin board outside of our classroom for you to check out.

Penguin Craft....pieces to create a penguin Paper Plate Pie

Easel: Watercolor paints and crayons to use

Math Table: Pattern Puzzle

Discovery Table: The children worked hard at making the cars move by adding magnetic discs and using magnetic wands.

We also brought ice inside after recess on Tuesday to see what would happen to it.

Listening Center: Pete The Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin

Looking ahead, Show & Tell for Letter B will be on Wednesday.

Also, Jack and Jill's Open House is tomorrow from 9:30-11:30 if you or anyone you know is interested in stopping by!


Mrs. Kelley


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