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Welcome to October in 4 Day Pre-K!

Hello Pre-K Families!

How in the world is it already the second week of October?! With the weather getting a little cooler please make sure to send your child with a jacket or sweatshirt just in case. Going forward every Tuesday (or Wednesday if forgotten) will be Show & Tell. It will need to be something related to our letter of the week which will be introduced to the children on Mondays! So far these kids are doing amazing work with the letter of the week! We are so proud! We celebrated 2 birthdays this week! (Happy birthday Viviana & Happy early birthday to Jacob) The kids got pretty messy this week because we did a lot of painting which I hung up in the hallway! Here is a recap of what we did in centers this week...

Letter Of The Week: Our letter this week was E! The kids did an AWESOME job telling everyone about their show & tell. We also made some "E" elephants and giant E's covered in eyeballs.

Art: The children got to paint a paper plate and make a brown bear (which are hanging in the hallway) and they also got to use a bunch of Halloween themed stamps which was pretty popular.

Math: This week consisted of counting acorns, figuring out the height of pumpkins using cubes and how many letter E's can you find!

Discovery: At this table we had 8 different medical gloves that were filled with different objects that the kids had to figure out. There were pom poms, corn, sand and even oatmeal. The kids really enjoyed this area!

Art Easel: We had more "E" papers for the kids to color with markers or use marker dots. We also had blank paper to give the kids a chance to draw whatever they desired. I like to give the kids this option as well because it really opens their imagination to draw anything.

Listening Center: The book on cd this week was about Dinosaurs & it is ALWAYS the busiest center because they all love getting a chance to sit with the headphones on!

The Books we read this week: "Bear Wants More" which the kids found hilarious because of how much food the bear can eat (and the horrible belly-ache he gets at the end) We also read "It's Okay To Make Mistakes", "Duck Duck Dad" and "I Can Follow The Rules".

IMPORTANT REMINDER: We are CLOSED Monday to observe

Columbus Day!

Have a great long weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday!

-Mrs.Deighan & Mrs.Derbyshire


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